Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations.
At the moment, we are in most need of Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Lectors for which you will find descriptions below. Click
here to contact the liturgical coordinator if you would like to become part of St. Columba's liturgical ministry team.
Acolytes assist the priest at Sunday Mass and other special services. They enhance the beauty and reverence of our liturgies. This is a great service offered by our parishioners as they participate in their Catholic faith. As servers give of themselves to help the priest and people worship better, they also receive God’s help and blessings for their important service.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are commissioned by the pastor to administer Holy Communion under both species, bread and consecrated wine, at all Liturgies. They may also participate in bringing communion to the homebound and to those in hospitals and residential care facilities.
Lectors strive to make the Liturgy of the Word meaningful for the assembly by proclaiming God’s Word. They aim to inspire the community to ponder and meditate on God’s words in their daily lives. Lectors receive training and a yearly workbook of readings to help with difficult pronunciations and explanations of specific emphasis throughout the reading.
Ministers of Hospitality greet parishioners and offer hospitality to visitors who join our parish community for worship. They also assist members of the assembly who have special needs during the liturgy. Ushers collect the offerings of the assembly and prepare them for the presentation of the gifts.