Dear Parish Family,
These past five weeks have been difficult weeks for me in the sense of parish management with all the finances, facilities care, dealing with past unpaid bills, surprise violations neglected during past years. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
I have found many people when they celebrate their milestone wedding anniversaries desiring to get a Papal Blessing. I want to share with you that I got a blessing recently not from our Holy Father but from Sr Rose Daly, who celebrated her 100th birthday on Friday last week. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
I am so happy to join all of you in thanking Sr. Rose Daly and all our Religious who served the parish for so many years. May God bless them and reward them for their life giving ministry. Happy Birthday Sr. Rose. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
The new year 2022 has come. The virus has not gone. Shools are planning for online education due to the increase in spreading among children. READ MORE