Dear Parish Family,
Every Pastor dreams of his church being full for the liturgical and community celebrations. He is overjoyed when his parishioners participate in the life of the parish. I feel so joyful as I see more and more parishioners rejoining our Eucharistic celebrations on weekdays and weekends. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
One evening during the Christmas season, I was praying in church. Usually, a few visitors open the door and come in to pray when the church is open and the lights are on. I have an eye on them as they come in and go out. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
Every year we exchange gifts and greeting cards during Christmas. I am grateful to all of you for your love, gifts, and cards. Unfortunately, I don’t find time to send cards or gifts during this season. Sorry about that. But I appreciate it and prayed for all of you during my Masses and adoration. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
Our God is a God of surprises. For Christmas, I focused on getting everything ready to have a lovely Christmas for our parish family as every parent desires the best celebration for his or her family.. Then one of my friends from Staten Island texted me that this year is going to be the coldest Christmas in memory. I was very upset with Jesus. READ MORE