Dear Parish Family,
With sadness I inform our parish family that a notification of Msgr. Walter's death and funeral arrangements was sent this afternoon from the Vicar General's office. Please click below for the notice.
This Sunday we will pray for the repose of his soul at all the masses. The funeral Mass is at Epiphany on Monday July 31, 2023. We are grateful to his life and priestly ministry to our people. May Jesus reward his soul with eternal life.
Dear Parish Family,
For the last two years, I have been praying for children to be altar servers at Mass. My prayers were answered last week because we now have six altar servers and they are learning to serve the Masses. Sometimes they feel nervous. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
Observing the weekend Mass attendance these days, I know that the summer vacation has begun. When July 4th is celebrated, many pastors can conclude that most parishioners have travelled to vacation spots. READ MORE